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Boys V. Girls Soccer Match || Grades

hey guys today we had the girls soccer team and the guys soccer team played against ecah other, 5-4 The guys won but they got pushed around by so girls! :P I knocked two down and one started being a drama qeen saying he was hurt but a few minutes later he was fine so i knew he us being stupid, after we had pizza and soda, and poured a whole lot of Gatorade on Our coach! She was soaked! lol we had a great time!

okay i got my grades so far this grading period, I have to work if i want to if i want to bring up my grade (math)

Advanced English- 93.7% A-

Advanced Pre Algebra- 70.5% D *

Orchestra (violin)- 105% A+

Band (Clarinet)-97% A

Health/Gym- 98% A

Science- 96.3% A

Soical Studies- 100% A+

*Math- teacher is evil, no one likes her, and she makes the work really hard, its not my fault half of us are failing and as you can see im good at all my other subjects!

Peace Peoples- NbbRockGirl
